Sunsets and Sushi

Monday, June 19, 2006

delirium of life.

1. A temporary state of mental confusion and fluctuating consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, and incoherent speech.

2. A state of uncontrolled excitement or emotion: sports fans in delirium after their team's victory.

I'm in delirium most of the time I'm concious. It's a natural thing for me. I dont quite understand why most of the time, but it happens out of no where. Even when theres somthing terrible happening I have the urge to mock it and just laugh continuesly untill someone calls me crazy or asks me if I need to calm down.
I blame in on Lauren Graham and Alexis Beidel. They seem to have a lot of effect on me. Considering that I watch them and their comic duo of love every day on my big screen. I guess I try to act like them. Of course, my mom doesnt exactly complain- she seems to like the extra attention [considering that their comic duo consists of a Mother and Daughter, I need a partner to embody them with. ]

Of course I cant blame my delirium entirely on them. I could also blame in on the joy I get from being with certian people, or the musical artist that make me belt out a tune or two.

But thats why I chose delirium as my name. Mae In Delirium fits this perfect. because I cant write unless I'm in a state of it.



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